Cron Surf Photo Art & Journal / Dec 2020 Report (tap image for gallery)

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* note: please make sure you check out 
my best art images from this year at my previous post- 
"My Best"
















1. Ben finishes it off  2. Rob is all set  3. Nic chases an edge  4. Cody's on edge
5. Noah from outta nowhere  6. Blood orange mimosa unknown  7. "Yeah, it's surfable. About 6-8ft with the occaisonal 20ft bomb."  8.  Andrew cutty  9. Cody sequence  10. Matt wings it  
11. Sean in silhouette  12. Jacob's edge  13. Bodhi flyin' 14. Guerilla video of me shot by Ross with Matty B on horn assist  15. TBA  pocket lock  16. ? nicely tucked
(images frequently updated)
    Week 1  The first week of December started out with large NW, long-period bombs. Rideable for the first day or two, then it got even bigger and a little squarer and began sucking hard. There were some takers who were also willing to take some on the head. And a few folks found a few frames to open up. Winds remain moderate and off with lots of water and sand moving around this week. Fog and NW wind have been teasing out on the horizon. If you have to ask, you haven't been surfing here. It's cold. 52ish
    Week 2  Started out with strong offshore winds and a big, short-period NW swell. Some gems out there required a lot of work to get into, as dealing with strong winds and duck diving into square, set bombs, will keep you busy otherwise. There's an even bigger, long-period WNW clocking in at 18-20secs on its way. By mid-week it was ginormous. See #7 (that was an insider.) Lots of sand and water moving around. There were windows of opportunity and a few takers, as winds remained mostly offshore. Weather has been unseasonably warm for Dec. The bottom has changed dramtically in the last two days from the lage NW. There are deep spots up and down the line up. The shoulders are kinda weak and not stretching out; lots of burgers. Winds are mixed but conditions remain clean on the outgoing. A light rain has shown up for the weekend along with king tides.
    Week 3 Rain was consistent but moderate for a day. The WNW swell chain continues to light up the coast with solid surf. Oppotunities are there with a mandatory duckdive payout. King tides have almost cycled through but continue to offer up early morning bump and backwash. Later in the day there's a window with the outgoing if winds behave. Big and twerky is the word this month, so far. There are windows for surf, although it's still bumpy and backwashy. Oh, and just a little remider, it's freakin' cold. Bring all the rubber you got. The third week is ending with plenty of solid surf up and down the beach. Backwash is still hanging around. Winds remain moderate and mostly blowing off and there's some fun surf out there. Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year and end the week with winter solstice
    Week 4 A southern storm with rain, along with a large and confused NW swell, opened up week 4. The end of of 2020 is arrivng and the beginning of the New Year is on its way. The last few days of the year are ending with several, long-period NW & WNW  swells slamming the coast. Happy New Year.
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(c) mlc 2020