Cron Surf Photo Art / Sept 2021 (tap for gallery)

Beginning Labor Day Weeekend

Complete set of tradings cards

8 hand numbered & hand stamped limited editions

A $ 20 donation includes SOLD OUT

the full set with autographed plexi stand

thank you for your support

and thanks to those who have already contributed!

Nate slash

(tap images to enlarge)

Zack backwash bounce house

Susha lefty

Blue Jim righty

Cale tail waff

Natalie right line

Nate cronart rip

Ecke & rock

Noah a foggy air

Wolf  clean float

Nic stormin' 

Rob pocket bomba

Will slot

Neal tailspin

morning moon setting over the lagoon

I missed him, but I combed his hair

thanks Matt Borries

images updated often

(c) 2021 mlc